Interior and Exterior Steel Doors
Interior & Exterior Hollow Metal Steel Doors Offering code compliant Commercial Doors, Door Frame and Hardware. Designed to last most critical environments.
Many options are available:​
Flush Metal Doors - prepped for hinges and lock
Metal Double Doors - pair w/inactive door preps
Metal Fire Doors - fire rating up to 3 hour label
Metal Door W/Glass - w/vision light kit and glass
Louvered Metal Doors - w/steel louver (air vent)
Six Panel Metal Doors - embossed 6 panel design
Two Panel Metal Doors - high definition embossed 2-panel design
Metal Building Doors - pre-assembled, painted
Max. Duty Door & Frame - 14 gauge, 3 deadbolt prep
Stainless Steel Doors - includes frame
Bullet Resistant Metal Doors - level 1-8, frame included
STC Metal Doors - sound transmission control
Hurricane Resistant Door - 16 or 14 gauge
Tornado Doors - FEMA compliant, frame included
Dutch Door - Single or Double sided shelf available
Temperature Rise Door - mineral board core
Aluminum Traffic Door - Double acting, frame include
Doors Types
Frame Types
Frames are manufactured to accommodate any wall condition, including masonry, steel, and wood stud. A wide variety of frame anchors are available.​
Knocked Down (KD) Drywall frame - 3 piece KD - wraps wall
Knocked Down (KD) Masonry Frame - 3 piece KD
Welded Frame - for block or stud walls
Cased Opening Frame - flush frame, without stops
Pre-finished Steel Frame - Timely interior frames
Double Egress Frame - opposite stops and rabbets
Transom Frame - with glass or steel panel
Sidelite Frame - with glass or steel panel
Borrowed Lite Frame - steel window frame